picture: Landscape of the residential area around Itabashi Ward Main Street (Takashimadaira)

1.Project Overview & Objectives

This project aims to create an active, convenient, and affluent lifestyle for individuals living in Takashimadaira (an area found within the Itabashi City) by combining digital technologies with the appeal of this area, and to strengthen its disaster preparedness. Using digital technologies to effectively create an active community and improve the convenience of its transportation services, we will communicate and share what makes this area so attractive and provide electric micro-mobility devices to make life in Takashimadaira more affluent and convenient. We will also use digital technologies to enhance soft measures, such as raising awareness about flood damage and improving the quality of training. Through these efforts, we will achieve a smart Takashimadaira where everyone can live even more safe and prosperous lives.

Measuring the flow of people with Wi-Fi sensors


・To measure the effectiveness of the various initiatives implemented in this project, we are installing sensors to determine the area of activities around the Takashimadaira area.
・We will use these sensors to measure the flow of people to determine the areas where people gather for activities such as shopping and the area of activities in each area, and will also measure changes resulting from the implementation of these initiatives.

Developing communities using digital twins

スマートフォンで高島平駅を写している画像 スマートフォンで高島平駅を写している画像 スマートフォンで高島平駅を写している画像

In the Takashimadaira area, in order to improve the functionality of the social and lifestyle centers found around its stations as well as its brand image, we will create a walkable town using digital twins to simulate local excursions, create a lively community, and communicate what makes this area so attractive.

A service for improving transportation convenience using technologies such as electric micro-mobility devices

写真:1人乗り用4輪モビリティ 写真:電動キックボード 写真:電動アシスト自転車

In the Takashimadaira area, technologies such as electric micro-mobility devices will be introduced to residential areas with few large-scale retail stores or shopping streets in their vicinity to increase convenience in terms of transportation and circulation for both moving in and out of this area.

A flood damage visualization tool that utilizes digital twins

3Dイメージ:災害時の避難ルートを3D都市モデルを用いて表した地図 3Dイメージ:3D都市モデルを活用した災害時の浸水シミュレーション

In order to address the issue of providing appropriate evacuation guidance in the event of a large-scale flood in flood-prone areas, including Takashimadaira, a simulation of the flood damage and evacuation routes will be conducted using digital twins.

2.Past Efforts

In 2023, which was the second year of this project, we conducted a digital event and evaluated the project by measuring the flow of people.

Measuring the flow of people using sensors

高島平地域内のWi-FiセンサーとAIカメラの場所を表した地図 高島平地域内の人流や行動範囲を表した地図

We used Wi-Fi sensors (15 locations) to measure the flow of people in the Takashimadaira area and analyze the area of activities (such as shopping) of local residents in their daily lives and the effectiveness of the digital events.

Digital Twin Event held with shopping districts and local university students

We held digital events that guided people to shopping districts and conveyed the charm of the area by using digital content to help people tour the area.
Together with the participating stores, we developed content layout and event-only menus and introduced them on guide maps, websites, social media, etc. to attract customers to the shopping district.
We had students from Daito Bunka University, which is located in the area, conduct social research such as interviews with the local residents. We then collaborated in selecting attractive local spots and creating anecdotes and carried out the plan.
Also, the university students planned and held experience tours for the elderly.

Communicating with residents using a flood damage visualization tool:

写真:地域イベントで災害時の浸水シミュレーションの映像を投影するイベントスペース 写真:子育て世帯向けの防災教室で説明を聞く住民たちの写真。一室に10組ほどの親子連れが集まり、スクリーンに投影された資料を見ながら防災対策を学ぶ。

In the Takashimadaira area, we communicated with residents about topics such as flood risks and evacuation routes using a flood damage visualization tool at events such as community events and disaster prevention classes for child-rearing households.

3.Upcoming Schedule

In the future, we plan, for example, to utilize not just data from Wi-Fi sensors, but also origin-destination data of electric micro-mobility and shared bicycles to analyze movement within the region and consider optimal port placement, as well as plan to introduce electric micro-mobility to improve transportation convenience.

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