Bunka・Ktojima・Oshiage Sumida City Photo
1.Project Overview & Objectives

Sumida City is promoting "City Planning with Universities," which is an initiative that will utilize knowledge from universities to solve local issues. In order to create a community where local residents can live in good health and peace of mind, the public, private, and academic sectors will work together to make the community smarter. Through the provision of highly convenient services that utilize digital technologies, we will create opportunities for local residents to remain in good health, and promote the development of local environments that are centered around the "Campus Common," a space in which the community and university can interact with each other. By expanding the results of these efforts to the rest of Sumida City, we will create a more affluent and secure community.

App-based health awareness project
Image App-based health awareness project

In order to motivate residents to be healthy and improve their health, we will measure their stride length and provide personalized health information via a message app.

Park management project that involves residents
Image Park management project that involves residents

By building a system that can analyze photos of parks posted by residents in order to identify how parks are actually used and create a system that encourages more park use, residents themselves will become the main players in managing parks, enabling the use of parks from a residents' perspective.

Recycle-based umbrella sharing project
Image Recycle-based umbrella sharing project

Focusing on the current situation where many of the forgotten umbrellas from railroads are disposed of, we will efficiently operate an umbrella sharing service utilizing forgotten umbrellas on railroads with the power of digital technologies in order to promote interaction between people through umbrella sharing and achieve a healthy society through local revitalization.

2.Past Efforts
Demonstration for the app-based health awareness project
Event Photo

We conducted a social experiment involving city residents at the event for a public space (Campus Common) located between iU and Chiba University.

Demonstration for the park management project that involves residents
Image Green Tour

We developed a prototype system for determining tree types, gave lectures on our research, and held a Green Tour to demonstrate how to use the system at Sumida Park.

Finding a company to assist in the local recycle-based umbrella sharing project
"Sumikasa" Photo

We created a system prototype for implementing the "Sumikasa" umbrella sharing service.

3.Upcoming Schedule

We plan to continue demonstrations for these three projects in the future, and plan to operate apps and conduct demonstration experiments for the app-based health awareness project.

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