1.Project Overview & Objectives
With an emphasis on Tama Center, Tama City is working to make the city smarter and to create a town that will continue to thrive for decades to come. We will collect a wide range of opinions from residents and formulate a vision for the city's future, focusing on concepts in which Tama Center continues to be used in a meaningful way for decades to come. Based on this vision, we will promote various initiatives to help create a town where people can enjoy more affluent lives.
"Helping Each Other DX 'HERO'" (name of the demonstration experiment: TAMAPo)

To create local leaders and opportunities for new challenges, we will build a local portal site to disseminate information and promote interaction.
Small electric mobility devices

In order to maintain the city so that it remains easy to live in, we will conduct a demonstration experiment for small mobility devices such as electric bicycle cabs, kickboards, and slow mobility devices.
2.Past Efforts
We collected opinions from residents and businesses, and conducted a social experiment on community use.
Satisfaction survey on the town by residents and businesses

We conducted a satisfaction survey on Tama Center for residents and visitors at the Tama Center's Marche on Parthenon Boulevard. We held interviews with businesses in the Tama Center area to hear their needs regarding Tama Center.
Social experiment on community use

Based on the satisfaction survey, we conducted a social experiment on community use and collected feedback from the community. We then drew a scene (perspective drawing) of a future town created from the town's feedback.
3.Upcoming Schedule
At the Tama Lab (tentative name), which encourages challenge seeking and sees places as opportunities, we will promote plans (leading projects) based on feedback from local actors who "want to get involved" and revitalize "community use."