Komae City Photo

1.Project Overview & Objectives

In order to realize a "people-friendly city," we will promote the development of a smart city under a three-year plan. Through efforts to promote the creation of local communities and encourage residents to propose ideas, we will improve the transparency and credibility of the smart city alongside developing an information provision system for citizens and providing easy-to-understand disaster prevention information as well as measures to achieve carbon neutrality.

"Resident participation"/"local community" project (from 2023)

Image illustration:Resident participation,local community

To promote a resident participation type smart city, we will introduce a living lab system, establish a public-private partnership organization, and work on the living lab project. Also, we will create a "CivicTech community" and enrich cities with digital and creativity. In addition, we will increase interest in smart cities through resident participation type workshops and programming and pixel art workshops for junior high and high school students.

"Environmental energy"/"regional promotion" project (from 2024)

Image illustration:Environmental energy,regional promotion

In addition to integrating multiple environment-related data and creating an environmental data dashboard that can be visualized and analyzed, we will also introduce local community points, which will be used to increase motivation to adopt carbon neutrality. In addition, we will increase interest in smart cities by providing resident participation type workshops and video content.

"Disaster prevention"/"Visualization" project (from 2025)

Image illustration:Disaster prevention,Visualization

In addition to integrating multiple disaster prevention-related data and creating a disaster prevention data dashboard that can be visualized and analyzed, we will also further expand the visualization of cities by introducing a service that provides various information in the event of a disaster using LOD2 data and by integrating existing dashboards into the "Dashboard/Visualization Portal." In addition, we will increase interest in smart cities by providing resident participation type workshops and video content.

2.Past Efforts

Establishing Komae smart city/living lab

Logo Machi Mirai Lab

In order to promote a resident participation type smart city, we established the public-private partnership organization "Machi Mirai Lab" and started the living lab project. In order to encourage residents to propose ideas and share opinions, and to increase transparency and reliability, we have introduced a "living lab system" that allows online participation.

Promotion of creating a CivicTech community

CivicTech community Photo

We aim to create a "CivicTech community" and enrich cities with digital and creativity. We were involved in the "CoderDojo Komae," which provided children with a digital coding experience, and also worked together with creators and engineers to create a community that promotes smart cities.

Gathering opinions from residents

Gathering opinions from residents Photo

In addition to a "smart city development" workshop where residents can propose ideas and share opinions, we held programming and pixel art workshops for junior high and high school students to have digital and creative experiences and get them interested in smart cities.

3.Upcoming Schedule

Zero carbon city KOMAE Logo

In 2024, we will provide visualization and analysis tools for environmental data as well as content that promotes behavioral change. We will introduce local community points and utilize them to promote carbon neutrality. In addition, we will also hold events for children and workshops on the economic cycle and promote smart cities co-created by residents.

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